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Why use WordPress for your new website?

WordPress is the most widely used content management system (CMS) by some distance and is the CMS of choice for nearly 60% of content managed websites. In fact, there are over 76 million websites using WordPress. That’s nearly 25% of all websites currently online.

Here are 10 reasons why using WordPress will benefit your company:

WordPress is Open Source

WordPress is free and always will be. It also means there are developers around the world working together to improve and maintain the CMS. These developers work tirelessly to make sure that WordPress is updated and secure, with no cost to you.

Reasons to use WordPress for your next website

WordPress makes SEO easy

Creating content is easy and so is optimising it for the best SEO outcomes. Each page title, description and URL can be customised and included in your sitemap. There are many plugins that help make SEO of your content streamlined and most of them are free.

WordPress is easy to use

WordPress is extremely easy to use! The administration pages are well laid out, intuitive and focussed on content creation. Custom features can be built into the CMS to look like core options. Adding new pages, blog posts, images, etc. on a regular basis is simple and can be done quickly.

WordPress has a lot of extensions

WordPress can be extended using ‘plugins’. There are thousands out there that enable you to add commerce functionality, booking systems, members only pages. The list goes on. They are very often free to download with the exception of ‘pro’ versions that offer advanced features.

WordPress handles different media types

You are not just limited to writing text within WordPress. It comes with a built-in media gallery that handles images, audio, video, text files, presentations and spreadsheets. You can also embed YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Tweets, and Soundcloud audio by just entering the URL in your page.

WordPress is popular

WordPress is in its thirteenth year now. It’s very stable, won’t crash your website or randomly erase the hard work you’ve put in. During those years, WordPress has been refined and enhanced with every upgrade. As mentioned above, it’s the most widely used CMS around.

Reasons to use WordPress for your next website

WordPress is ready for the mobile web

WordPress is perfect for creating responsive websites and makes it easier than ever for developers to do so. Recent versions of the CMS have been updated to include mobile and tablet support and allows administering content on the go.

WordPress is flexible

WordPress is such a capable platform these days it can pretty much cater for any kind of website you could want. Whether a personal blog, portfolio or fully fledged e-commerce site, WordPress is versatile enough to meet all of your needs.

WordPress is safe and secure

WordPress takes security very seriously and updates to the CMS provide fixes for known bugs on a regular basis. Whilst you should always keep your version of WordPress up-to-date, there are other ways to help avoid getting hacked. There are many free security plugins that help fight against unlawful access to your website and all are regularly updated.

You are not tied to one hosting provider

WordPress will work on most web hosting platforms. If you ever need to swap hosts, either because your site is running slowly or you are frustrated with the service, you can easily move your website with minimal downtime. A lot of hosting providers will do the transfer for you and help set the site back up as it was.