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SEO tips to consider for your website

Once we launch a website, one of the first things a client asks is how they can rank on Google and other search engines. There’s a lot you can do without any expert knowledge.

Here we have compiled 10 tips to help small businesses improve their SEO. These are all easy to implement, it’s just a case of putting the time in.

Mobile-friendly websites

Optimise your website for mobile users. Your site should adapt to various screen sizes including, mobile phones, tablets, large and small screens.

Responsive Websites

Get the basics right

If you don’t do the basics you will not receive traffic from search engines. No SEO means search engines cannot rank and categorise your website.

Do your research

Find out what competitor sites are using as keywords and descriptions. You’ll soon find a pattern that can be used throughout your website.

It may take time

SEO results are never instant. Search engines can take weeks or even months to recognise any changes you have made to your keywords and content.

Write informative content

Well written, informative content will help with your SEO in a big way. Search engines reward sites that have pages with lots of good quality content. Make your content engaging to your visitors. This will keep them on the site for longer which signals to search engines that your website deserves a better ranking.

Get into blogging

Add a blog or news section to your website. Once up and running it is easy to add new keyword specific content and keeps the site fresh and interesting.

Start Blogging

Write unique titles and descriptions

Write unique descriptions and titles for every page you create. You should also target relevant keywords on each page. Doing so will make it easier for search engines to categorise and rank pages. Don’t cram as you’re more likely to be penalised for using keywords repeatedly.

Advertise yourself

Get yourself listed in local business directories.

Use social media

Adding social sharing buttons to your website will make it easier for people to share your content.

Optimise your images

Optimise your images by keeping file sizes down and making sure they have descriptive ALT tags and titles.